picdrop for Business

Simple image management for your team

Easily collect, manage and share all your media assets!

  • Simply share links to collect images and videos from freelancers

  • Collaborate with your team on your files

  • Create and share sets of assets with third parties in seconds

  • Let your team access your assets from anywhere!

Learn how PicDrop can help you

"picdrop makes our job as photo editors in the newsroom easier every day. It just works."

Zeit Online

"We haven't seen a tool designed to be so user-friendly."


"No single tool for receiving and sharing images is as fast and easy. Our team uses it every day!"

Deutsche Telekom

"We are thrilled with the ease of use and value for money! Our favorite feature is the comment function."

Diakonie Leipzig

    Finally an easy and affordable solution!

    Most image management software is way too complicated, hard to use, overloaded with features and too expensive.

    Not picdrop! We offer a simple image management solution that your team will actually enjoy using!

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    picdrop for Business is made for ...

    • PR Teams

      Attach image links to press releases and distribute your message across all channels

    • Photo Editors

      Organize your shoots and receive images and videos from creatives easily

    • Photo teams

      Finally one place for you and your team. Organize productions and send shoots to your clients!

    • Marketing

      Organize all your assets in one place - no matter where your team members are working from.

    • Event organizers

      Share photo galleries easily with all the guests of your event!

    • Producers & Shops

      Collect all product photos in one place, accessible to your entire team!

    Trusted by over 130.000 companies and creatives.

    Our super simple pricing

    just 89,99 € month + VAT
    for your team
    • incl. 1 TB storage (expandable)

    • incl. 3 team members (expandable)

    • Handles all your image and video formats

    • Easy rights management for your team

    • Power search through all your media

    • All picdrop features

    Why picdrop is right for you:

    • Finally: one place for everything - and everyone!

      With picdrop your team finally has a single place for all images: no matter if press pictures, team photos, projects, event videos. Simply invite anyone who needs access to your images, whether team member or external.

    • Secure access from anywhere

      Gone are the days of hard drives in the office, lost USB sticks and DVDs. Thanks to picdrop, your team finally has access to all images from anywhere - no matter if they work in the office or remotely.

    • Easy rights management

      You alone decide who from your team has access to which folders and who can upload, overwrite or delete data, and who can only view and download images. This way, your team can be creative and the new intern doesn't break anything ;)

    • Easy delivery by photographers and creatives

      Invite your regular photographers and other suppliers to join your picdrop. Give specific read and write permissions to each supplier and let freelancers deliver their images directly to your database. Save time and work on both sides!

    • Stop searching

      With picdrop's power search, you'll find whatever you're looking for. That one image from your corporate event? The image of your CEO shot by that one photographer? No problem! picdrop searches all data for you down to the smallest detail and delivers smartly sorted results in a fraction of a second.

    • Share image sets with third parties

      Create and share for press and PR! It's never been easier to make images available for download in seconds.

    We love data privacy.

    • Hosted in Europe

      Our servers and our company are subject to German laws.

    • DSGVO compliant

      Of course, we comply fully with the DSGVO.

    • German data protection

      For your data, picdrop features German data protection laws.

    By creatives for your team!

    picdrop is the brainchild of a professional photographer and a professional designer. Your needs are our needs. That's why we build the tools you really want. Quite simple, isn't it?

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